Play Scripts by Heldor Schafer

All plays listed here are protected by international copyright law, and any performance or public reading requires written permission from the playwright or his agents.

for amateur productions of the plays of Heldor Schäfer:

1st Performance Additional
Short Plays
One-act Plays
Full-length Plays

These royalty fees may be paid in Canadian or US dollars, by cheque, money order or PayPal.
For professional production rates, performance contracts and all other information please contact the playwright c/o:

Calamus Productions
405 – 90 Regatta Landing
Victoria, BC
Canada  V9A 7R2

Or email: [email protected]

To pay or not to pay…

Under some circumstances a play may be performed without requiring royalty payments, such as a classroom or school performance if the audience is limited to students and faculty (not advertised to the public) and no admission is being charged. However, a letter or signed email from the playwright or his agents, spelling out conditions of performance, is still required.

There may be other circum-stances under which the playwright will allow royalty-free performances of a play. For details and to obtain a valid performance contract by e-mail, write to the address on this page.

Please supply the following information:

  • Name of organization
  • Name of authorized person
  • Address of organization
  • Performance location
  • Performance date(s) – estimate if not yet known
  • Number of performances
  • Is admission being charged?